Hello there! I'm Erica, aka Silver in the Obsidian community. I'm passionate about education, design, programming, and recently, music. Like many others, I believe the current education system is fundamentally flawed, because its original purpose doesn't make sense any more. Schools were formed to produce obedient factory workers, and that tradition stuck. It's time to think for ourselves again. We can figure this out. Things you might be interested in: - [[Projects]] - [[How I Think]] - [[Music patterns]] - [My cooking](https://ericaxu.github.io/quantified-chef/) (progress currently paused at172 out of 1,000 dishes) Fun stuff: - [[Old website]] --- Credits: - This site is built with [Obsidian Publish](https://obsidian.md/publish). - It uses [kepano's Flexoki theme](https://stephango.com/flexoki).